Category Archives: Security

How Hackers Find Your Website

How hackers find your site

How Hackers Find Your Website

Hackers use various methods to find and target websites for malicious purposes. Here are some common techniques they employ:

One of the primary methods hackers use is automated scanning. They utilize tools known as web scanners or vulnerability scanners to sweep the internet for websites with known security flaws. These automated tools can detect websites running outdated software, plugins, or frameworks that are susceptible to attacks. By identifying these vulnerabilities, hackers can exploit them to gain unauthorized access or cause other harm.

Search engines such as Google and Bing also play a role in how hackers find websites to target. These search engines crawl the internet to index websites, and hackers can use advanced search queries to pinpoint websites with specific vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. For instance, they might search for websites running a particular content management system (CMS) known to have security issues. By leveraging search engines in this way, hackers can quickly locate potential targets.

Publicly available information is another resource hackers tap into. They scour social media, forums, and public databases to gather information about potential targets. Hackers might look for websites associated with specific individuals or organizations, using this publicly accessible data to plan their attacks. This method highlights the importance of being cautious about the information shared online.

Port scanning is a technique where hackers use tools to identify open ports on servers. Open ports can indicate the presence of services or applications running on a server. If these services have known vulnerabilities, they can become targets for hackers. By exploiting these weaknesses, hackers can gain access to the server and potentially the website it hosts.

Phishing and social engineering are tactics used by some hackers to trick website owners or employees into revealing login credentials or other sensitive information. Through phishing emails or deceptive social engineering strategies, hackers can obtain the information needed to access accounts and compromise websites. This approach relies heavily on human error and highlights the need for cybersecurity awareness and training.

Brute force attacks involve hackers using automated scripts to systematically guess login credentials. These scripts try different combinations of usernames and passwords until they find a match. Websites with weak or easily guessable passwords are particularly vulnerable to brute force attacks. This underscores the importance of using strong, unique passwords and implementing account lockout mechanisms to thwart such attempts.

Malware is another tool in a hacker's arsenal. By distributing malware through compromised websites or emails, hackers can infect servers and gain unauthorized access. Malware can also be used to create backdoors, allowing hackers to maintain access to the compromised system. Protecting against malware involves using antivirus software, keeping systems updated, and being cautious about email attachments and downloads.

Network traffic analysis is a technique employed by sophisticated attackers who monitor network traffic to identify vulnerable systems. By analyzing unencrypted traffic, misconfigurations, or weak security protocols, hackers can pinpoint potential targets. This method highlights the importance of using encryption and following best practices for network security to protect sensitive data.

Web application vulnerability scanning specifically targets web applications by searching for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). Hackers can use automated tools or conduct manual testing to identify these weaknesses. Protecting web applications involves regular security assessments, input validation, and employing security measures such as web application firewalls (WAF).

Secured website graphic - Inclinet Internet Group

Safeguard Your Website

To safeguard your website from hackers, it is crucial to take security seriously. This includes keeping all software, plugins, and frameworks up to date to prevent known vulnerabilities from being exploited. Using strong and unique passwords is essential to protect against brute force attacks, and implementing security best practices, such as input validation and encryption, can help mitigate various risks. Regularly scanning for vulnerabilities and monitoring your website’s traffic for any suspicious activity are also vital steps in maintaining security.

Employing additional security measures, such as a web application firewall (WAF), can provide an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access and attacks. A WAF can filter and monitor HTTP traffic between a web application and the internet, blocking potentially harmful requests. By incorporating these security measures and remaining vigilant, you can better protect your website from the myriad of techniques hackers use to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

To learn more about how Inclinet can help protect your website, contact us today!


Inclinet Internet Group

195, 612 500 Country Hills Blvd. NE
Calgary, Alberta  T3K 5K3

(403) 457-2047


Cybersecurity – Prevention Versus Recovery

Inclinet Cybersecurity

Businesses often ask whether or not the cost of recovering from a cyber attack outweighs the cost of prevention of a cyber attack. Here are some considerations when determining the potential cost to your organization.

The cost of recovering from a cybersecurity attack can be significantly higher than the cost of prevention. Prevention measures, such as implementing robust security policies, employing cybersecurity best practices, and investing in security technologies, are essential in reducing the risk of a cyberattack. Here are some reasons why the cost of prevention is often lower than recovery:

1. Financial Costs: Recovering from a cyberattack can be expensive. It may involve costs related to investigating the breach, notifying affected parties, restoring compromised systems, and addressing any legal or regulatory consequences. Additionally, businesses may suffer financial losses due to downtime, reputational damage, and potential lawsuits.

2. Reputation Damage: Cybersecurity incidents can harm a company's reputation, leading to loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders. Rebuilding trust can take time and resources, and some organizations may never fully recover their reputation.

3. Data Loss: Data breaches can result in the loss or theft of sensitive information, which can have long-term consequences. Companies may incur costs associated with data recovery, data breach notification, and regulatory fines for failing to protect sensitive data.

4. Operational Disruption: Cyberattacks can disrupt normal business operations, leading to lost productivity and revenue. The longer it takes to recover and restore systems, the higher the financial impact.

5. Legal and Regulatory Consequences: Many countries have implemented data protection and cybersecurity regulations with potential financial penalties for non-compliance. Failing to prevent a breach can result in significant legal costs and fines.

6. Cybersecurity Insurance: Organizations may invest in cybersecurity insurance policies to mitigate some of the financial risks associated with cyberattacks. However, premiums for these policies can be high, and the coverage may not fully offset the costs of recovery.

7. Long-Term Impact: The effects of a cyberattack can linger for years, affecting a company's bottom line. It can take time to regain the trust of customers and partners, and the costs associated with ongoing security enhancements can add up.

While investing in cybersecurity prevention measures does have associated costs, they are typically a small fraction of the expenses incurred in the aftermath of an attack. Additionally, prevention measures not only reduce the risk of a successful attack but also demonstrate a commitment to security that can help maintain trust and reputation.

In summary, while prevention measures do come with a cost, they are often a wise investment when compared to the potentially devastating financial, operational, and reputational consequences of a successful cyberattack. Organizations should consider a proactive and comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to minimize risks and the high potential costs associated with cyber incidents.

Great security starts with a great password. Create a strong password of any length using our Secure Password Generator.

Inclinet Secure Password Generator

To learn more about how Inclinet can help protect your website, contact us today!

Inclinet Internet Group

195, 612 500 Country Hills Blvd. NE
Calgary, Alberta  T3K 5K3

(403) 457-2047


What is Adware

What is Adware by Inclinet

What is Adware and How Does It Work

Adware, short for "advertising-supported software," is a type of software that displays advertisements on a user's computer, typically in a way that is intrusive or unwanted. The primary purpose of adware is to generate revenue for its creators or distributors by delivering advertisements to the user, often without their consent or knowledge. Adware can be considered a form of potentially unwanted software (PUP) or even malware, depending on its behavior and the extent to which it disrupts the user's experience.

Here's how adware generally works:

    1. Installation: Adware is often bundled with other free software or downloads that a user might willingly install. Users may not be aware that they are also installing adware when they install a seemingly legitimate program.

    2. Ad Display: Once installed on a user's computer, adware starts displaying advertisements. These ads can take various forms, including pop-up windows, banners within web browsers, interstitial ads, and more. Adware may inject ads into websites you visit, making it seem like the ads are part of the site's content.

    3. Tracking: Adware may also track the user's online behavior and gather data about their browsing habits. This data can include websites visited, search queries, and more. This information is often used to target advertisements more effectively.

    4. Revenue Generation: Adware developers generate revenue through various means, including pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-impression (PPI) advertising models. They earn money each time a user clicks on an ad or when an ad is displayed to the user, regardless of whether the user interacts with it.

    5. User Annoyance: Adware can be highly disruptive and annoying to users, as it can slow down their computer's performance, cause unwanted pop-ups, and interfere with their web browsing experience. In some cases, adware may lead to security vulnerabilities and compromise user privacy.

To protect your computer from adware and similar potentially unwanted software:

    1. Be cautious when downloading and installing software from the internet, especially free software. Always choose reputable sources and read user reviews.

    2. Pay attention during the installation process and uncheck any boxes or decline any offers to install additional software.

    3. Keep your operating system and security software up to date, as they may help detect and remove adware.

    4. Use ad-blockers and anti-malware software to help prevent adware from affecting your browsing experience.

    5. Regularly scan your computer for adware and other potentially unwanted software.

It's important to note that not all ad-supported software is malicious, as some legitimate applications and websites use advertising as a way to offer free services. However, when adware becomes intrusive, disruptive, or deceptive, it is generally considered undesirable and potentially harmful.

Great security starts with a great password!

Try out the Inclinet Secure Password Generator to create secure passwords of any length.

Inclinet Secure Password Generator

If you would like more information about how Inclinet can help protect your website from disaster, contact us today!

Inclinet Internet Group

Inclinet Internet Group

Prevent Malware Infection

12 Tips to Help Prevent Malware

12 Crucial Tips to Help Prevent Malware Infection

Preventing malware infections is crucial to safeguarding your computer and personal information. Here are 12 tips to help you protect your devices from malware:

  1. 1. Use Antivirus Software: Install reputable antivirus software and keep it up to date. Configure it to perform regular scans and automatic updates.
  2. 2. Enable Firewall: Enable the built-in firewall on your operating system or install a third-party firewall to block incoming and outgoing malicious network traffic.
  3. 3. Keep Your OS and Software Updated: Regularly update your operating system and all software, including web browsers, plugins, and drivers. Many updates include security patches.
  4. 4. Beware of Email Attachments: Be cautious when opening email attachments, especially from unknown senders. Don't download or open suspicious files.
  5. 5. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Use strong passwords and consider using a password manager to generate and store them securely. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
  6. 6. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA wherever possible, especially for critical accounts like email and online banking. This adds an extra layer of security.
  7. 7. Be Wary of Phishing: Be cautious of emails, websites, and messages that ask for personal or financial information. Verify the authenticity of requests from banks or government agencies by contacting them directly.
  8. 8. Avoid Suspicious Websites: Avoid visiting suspicious or untrustworthy websites, especially those that offer illegal downloads or adult content.
  9. 9. Use Ad-Blockers: Consider using ad-blocker browser extensions to prevent malicious ads from delivering malware.
  10. 10. Limit User Privileges: Avoid using administrator accounts for everyday tasks. Use standard user accounts for regular activities to limit malware's ability to make system-wide changes.
  11. 11. Regular Backups: Regularly back up your important data to an external drive or cloud storage. In case of a malware infection, you can restore your files without paying a ransom.
  12. 12. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest malware threats and tactics. Educate yourself and your family or colleagues about safe online practices.

Remember that no security measure is foolproof, so it's essential to practice a combination of these tips to reduce your risk of malware infection. Additionally, exercise caution and use common sense when navigating the internet and interacting with digital content.

Great security starts with a great password!

Try out the Inclinet Secure Password Generator to create secure passwords of any length.

Inclinet Secure Password Generator

If you would like more information about how Inclinet can help protect your website from disaster, contact us today!

Inclinet Internet Group

Inclinet Internet Group
